PAULA ABALOS (1989*) Santiago, Chile.
Lives and works between Leipzig and Santiago.
March 2025: Group exhibition “Artistas NAC”. Galería NAC. Santiago, Chile.
April 2025: Screening VISITANTES. Kurzsuechtig. Film Festival, Leipzig. Leipzig, Germany.
July 2025: APARICIONES. Solo exhibition at ZiMMT. Leipzig, Germany.
Nov 2024 until Sept 2025: ARBEIT. Vögele Kultur Zentrum. Pfäffikon, Switzerland.
May 2026: DREAM LAB. Solo exhibition + book publication at CEINA. Santiago, Chile.
2023: CAMA ARRENDADA. Exground Filmfest 36. Murnau-Filmtheater. Wiesbaden, Germany
2022: LIBRO DE CAMAS. Local Arte Contemporáneo. Santiago, Chile.
2022: The Invisible Cloth. Galerie "Glaskasten Druckstock". Chemnitz, Germany.
2021: VISITANTES. Kunstraum Ortloff . Leipzig, Germany.
2021: tHere. Installation-performance. Collaboration with Charlie Fouchier. LOFFT das Theater Leipzig. Germany.
2020: LOS INMORTALES II. Galerie KUB . Leipzig, Germany.
2019: NOCTÁMBULOS INVISIBLES. Galería Concreta, Centro Cultural Matucana 100. Santiago, Chile.
2017: LOS INMORTALES. Galería Die Ecke. City Screen 2017, Festival LOOP. Barcelona, Spain.
2017: DIGITAL MIRROR. Sala Andacollo, Santiago, Chile.
2016: PRAYERS TO GET TO THE END OF THE MONTH. Galería de Casa en Blanco. Santiago, Chile.
2015: INSTRUCCIONARIO. BAJ, Balmaceda Arte Joven Gallery, Valparaiso, Chile.
2015: NO GRACIAS, Trabajos para vivir del arte. Galería librería Metales Pesados. Santiago, Chile.
2024: Vögele Kultur Zentrum. Pfäffikon, Switzerland.
2024: ART GO EAST 2024. Leipzig, Germany.
2024: Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
2023: Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin. Paris, France.
2023: ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival. Paris, France.
2023: La Escuela de las Formas. Centro Cultural de Las Condes. Santiago, Chile.
2022: Ciclo de videoarte chileno en ISLA+. Bienal SACO. Chile
2022: Re*Mapping Leipzig. Germany.
2022: I AM ELEVATING IN ALL WAYS. Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Berlin.
2022: DON´T KNOW WHY. Kunstraum Ortloff. Leipzig.
2021: BIENALSUR. MACRO Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario, Argentina.
2021: WIN/WIN. Die Ankäufe der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen. HALLE 14, Leipzig.
2021: Rundgang50hertz prize. Hamburger Bahnhof. Berlin.
2021: Zodiaco. Instituto Tele Arte. Santiago, Chile.
2021: 18.VIDEONALE. Kunstmuseum Bonn.
2021: Ausbeutung. Sur les cendres de l’hacienda. Le Printemps de Toulouse
2021: Kurzsuechtig. Film Festival, Leipzig.
2020: 37. KASSELER DOK FEST. Kassel
2020: Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival. GEH8. Dresden
2020: M20 / Ausstellung der Meisterschüler*innen HGB. A&O Leipzig
2020: No temas, la isla está llena de ruidos. Galería NAC. Santiago
2020: Experimental Cinema Festival of Bogotá, Colombia.
2019: PARADOKS. Organice by FILZ, GegenKino and Cinematheque. Leipzig.
2019: «Doble Filo: Geografías y Palabras« Museo de Coral Gables curada por Felix Suazo. Miami.
2019: MDBK-Mobill (Fine Arts Museum of Leipzig). Thallwitz, Germany.
2019: FLUX VideoCapsa. Arts Santa Mónica. Barcelona
2018: Más allá de lo que mis ojos alcanza a ver. Espacio el Cruce. Madrid.
2018: International Video Art Festival PROYECTOR. Madrid.
2017: Corpus Collective. Curator Kristina Semenova. Mala dvorana Pogona Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia.
2017: 13 BIENAL DE ARTES MEDIALES. Juan Downey. Museo Nacional Bellas Artes. Santiago.
2017: LO APARENTEMENTE ABSURDO. Aniversario Festival Proyector. Espacio el Cruce. Madrid.
2017: FIVA video art Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017: PLAYPEN 4 de Ad Miniloti, artista acompañante. Metales Pesados Gallery, Stgo, Chile.
2017: Exposición III Concurso ARTESPACIO JOVEN BBVA. Galería Artespacio. Santiago, Chile.
2017: HACIENDO DÍAS. Galería Centex. Curador: Juan José Santos. Valparaíso, Chile.
2017: DONDE HUBO FUEGO. Galería de Casa en Blanco. Santiago, Chile.
2017: Festival LOOP, City Screen 2017, Barcelona, España.
2016: PUERTAS CAMBIANTES. Video-installation exhibition. Galería Municipal Arte Joven, Valparaíso.
2016: NEO-FIGURACIÓN. Galería Artespacio.
2016: Municipal Santiago Awards, Young Artists Talent. Galería de la Posada del corregidor. Santiago.
2016: BANG! Festival. Video selected as part of the Proyector Best of program. Madrid
2015: Exhibition Young Artists Competition. MAC Quinta Normal (Contemporary Art Museum). Santiago.
2015: LUNES SANTO. Espacio O Galería. Curator: Arturo Duclós. Santiago, Chile.
2015: International Festival Film Perú ,19º edition. Video art selection. Lima, Perú.
2015: International Festival of Video Art Process of Error. Valparaíso, Chile.
2014: MIRADAS DE ENTORNO. Kunza, Mobile Art Gallery. La Serena, Ovalle and Coquimbo, Chile.
2014: Under the Subway Video Art Night, Local Project Art Space. Long Island City, New York.
2014: Buscando la historia que no existe. Gallery Visual Arts Universidad Finis Terrae. Santiago.
2014: International Video Art Festival PROJECTOR. 7th Edition. Madrid, Milan, Coimbra and Oaxaca.
2014: International Video Art Festival VideoBabel. Latin American Selected artist. Cuzco, Perú.
2014: International Media Art Festival LUMEN. Video Art competition Rolando Cardenas. Punta Arenas.
2014: International Video Dance Festival Expanded Corporalidad of Argentina. Buenos Aires.
2014: International Video Art Festival BYOB VALPO Gallery space G. Valparaiso, Chile.
2013: OBLICK, Union of artist in flight. Association culturelle, Atelier. Project of Galley airmail pilot. Paris.
2013: Exhibition Young Artists Competition. MAC Quinta Normal (Contemporary Art Museum). Santiago.
2012: VIDEO ART CHILE 1, Concreta Gallery Matucana 100. Santiago.
2011: FRAGMENTOS. Arte Joven Providencia Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
2011: PENDULOS Y PARALELAJES. Sala Macchina Gallery. Santiago, Chile.
Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Sachse
Chilean National collection
Awards / Grants
2024: Square Eyes Festival Consultation Award. Pitch DOK Leipzig.
2024: Fondo Audiovisual (Film), granted by the Ministry of Culture of Chile.
2024: Arbeitsstipendium, der Stadt Leipzig.
2023: Culture Moves Europe grant, granted by Geothe Institute.
2022: Arbeitsstipendium. Stiftung Kunstfonds. Bonn.
2022: Fondart for Creation and Production, granted by the Ministry of Culture of Chile.
2021: Rundgang50hertz Prize. Hamburger Bahnhof. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
2021: Projektförderung, NEUSTART, BBK Bundesverband Berlin.
2021: Work scholarship Kulturamt Leipzig.
2021: Fondart for Creation and Production, granted by the Ministry of Culture of Chile.
2020: GOLDEN CUBE Award. 37.Kasseler Dok Fest. Kassel.
2020: Featured Film of the Latin American selection. Bogota Experimental Cinema.
2020: Denkzeit Stipendium, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen.
2019: Chile Crea Scholarship. granted by the Ministry of Culture of Chile.
2018: Fondart, Scholarship for studies granted by Ministry of Culture of Chile.
2016: DAAD. German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship.
2015: 1º prize Video Art, granted by Santiago Municipal Contest. Chile.
2014: Grant INVE, experimental video. Valparaíso, Chile.
2023: VISITANTES. Published by SAPOSCAT, Chile. ISBN: 978-956-9866-29-6
2022: CAMA ARRENDADA. Published by SUR|NORTE Editoras. ISBN: 978-956-09757-2-0
2022: LIBRO DE CAMAS. Published by SUR|NORTE Editoras. ISBN: 978-956-09757-1-3
2021: 18.VIDEONALE catalogue
2021: Rundgang50hertz Prize catalogue. Hamburger Bahnhof. National Galerie Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
2021: Mujeres Artes Visuales en Chile / Women in the visual arts in Chile (2010-2020).
Chilean Ministry of Culture. Printed version ISBN: 978-956-352-381-2 / digital version ISBN: 978-956-352-382-9
2021: VISITANTES. Self publication. Leipzig, Germany.
2016: DONDE HUBO FUEGO. Published by Casa en Blanco. Chile.
2023: Research Residency in DONDERS LAB of Neuroscience. Funded by Geothe Institute. Nijmegen. The Netherlands.
2023: Film Residence at Kulturhof Villach - Province of Carinthia. Austria
2018: MDBK-Mobill (Fine Arts Museum of Leipzig). Thallwitz, Germany.
2015: Chacalab. Film Residence. Valparaíso, Chile.
2014: INVE-Experimental Video Residence. Valparaíso, Chile.
2017 - 2020: Meisterschüler in Media Arts by Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer. Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig.
2016: Guest Student at the Expanded Cinema class. Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig (DAAD program).
2009 - 2012: Bachelor in Visual Arts at Finis Terrae University. Santiago, Chile.